All Notices for Receiving Holy Communion for the First Time

Receiving Holy Communion for the First Time

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Our prayerful best wishes to the 75 children who receive the Eucharist for the first time this weekend. Thank you to their parents, families and teachers in school for helping the girls and boys prepare for this special celebration.


Children’s Prayer after Communion

Lord Jesus, I love and adore you.

You’re a…

Receiving Holy Communion for the First Time

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Holy Communion ceremonies for all three parish schools will take place on Saturday 28th August if public health restrictions permit. Times and more details to follow.

Receiving Holy Communion for the first time

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Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope this letter finds you and your family safe and well.  Thank you to all of you who have been attending weekday or Sunday Mass with your child since June.

Public health restrictions have relaxed a little but not as much as we would have hoped for, however, we will proceed on…

Receiving Holy Communion for the First Time

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We are happy to begin planning for this important moment in the lives of the children with ceremonies on Saturday 29th August in Athboy, Rathcairn & Rathmore.

Further details will be available next week.

Receiving Holy Communion for the First Time

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At 7.30pm on Wednesday next, 9th October, a meeting will take place in O’Growney National School, Athboy for all parents of children in Second Class who wish to celebrate the sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion for the first time.
Parents should bring with them to the meeting, the enrolment form that accompanied their…